To the organizers of Festivals and Special Events,
We are often asked to provide pictures and text so that you can promote our performances in your events.
Feel free to use the images that you see in this page. You may also use the sample promotional text in this page, or other wording that you see throughout the Sangre Morena website.
If you feel that these images and text do not fit well with the way that you want to advertise our performance, please contact us at info@sangremorena.com or 778-835-6056. We are always happy to provide you with images and text that will fit your promotional needs.
Click here to view logos if you need them in your promotional materials |
Sangre Morena is a Latin Music duo whose energy and love of music are easily tranferred to their listeners. They bring audiences to their feet with their sultry rhythms, beautiful passionate singing and the fiery sounds of the Flamenco Guitar.
Sangre Morena is a musical duo that performs music from Latin America and Spain, with the voice of Elsa Rojas Marquez and the guitar of Jose Gimenez.
Es un dueto de musica latina (Mexicana, Latinoamerica y de Espana) que ha destacado en Vancouver contando con mas de 5 anos de actuaciones publicas, acompanamiento en guitarra y la voz femenina al cante, Jose Gimenez guitarrista de flamenco y guitarra clasica originalmente de Filipinas, Elsa Rojas Marquez originaria de Cordoba Veracruz en Mexico, con experiencia en el canto de musica folklorica mexicana conjuntos corales y como solista.
Sangre Morena cuenta con un amplio repertorio de musica en espanol (mas de 150 canciones) acompanamiento en guitarra y la voz femenina al cante, presentando un show variado con musica latina huapangos, rancheras, musica folklorica clasica mexicana, boleros latinoamericanos, baladas estilo los panchos, Jose Jose, Juan Gabriel, Armando Manzanero, Agustin Lara, Luis Miguel etc y musica bailable tambien cumbias, rumbas, a la vez que musica espanola guajiras, rumbas estilo gipsy kings, rumbas catalanas, bulerias, flamenco puro, etc.
Sangre Morena se caracteriza por presentar un show elegante y divertido, buscando expresar emociones a travez de simplemente el toque de una guitarra y a una sola voz sin disminuir la intensidad, la emocion y la energia que queremos transmitir al publico, con el compromiso siempre de representar la musica latina con orgullo, arte y pasion.
PROMOTIONAL IMAGES FOR SANGRE MORENA (click for a full-size image) |
